empty notebook ready to be filled with new b2b leads

Case Study: Social Media Lead Generation

Can social media generate leads? You bet it can. We helped a recent client do just that. This client’s business development team needed more efficient lead generation. Their current social media plan, though seemingly effective, just wasn’t getting it done. We worked together to create a new social media strategy to help them stand out with their audience and bring…

magnifying glass leans against books on customer care

Case Study: Social Media Customer Care

What happens when increased awareness brings out an increase in customer complaints? That’s precisely what happened to our client when we began to raise their brand awareness. The increase in exposure resulted in some negative reviews. We worked together with the client to focus on solving these customer service issues with a robust social care strategy. What…

Taking a picture for social media with a phone

Tips to Improve Your Social Media Photos

The human brain processes visual data much faster than text. In fact, it processes this visual information about 60,000 times more quickly! Even more important than that, we humans can recall information we’ve seen better than news we’ve heard. Why is that important in social media? We’re glad you asked! Tips to Improve Your Social…