Marketing team lays out papers and images on page to evaluate if social media is working

Is My Social Media Working?

Is my social media working? That’s an important question to ask. Even more important is knowing how to arrive at the answer. Whether you manage social media internally or contract it out to an agency, there have to be measurements in place so that you know the day-to-day efforts are paying off. And that’s the key to answering…


Lose the Distractions to Be More Productive

Ding! New email. Ping! More Facebook comments. Ring! New text message. How can you hope to accomplish anything with such a symphony of activity constantly ringing? Short answer: you can’t. Studies show that constantly switching between tasks reduces overall efficiency. Most task switching only takes a few seconds, like glancing at your cell phone to see…

executive accesses linkedin on a phone

5 Ways Executives Can Establish Thought Leadership on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful social tool and provides an excellent opportunity for companies to establish thought leadership with their target audience. Yet, many companies struggle to use the “world’s largest professional social network.” So, how can your company establish thought leadership on LinkedIn? Executives! Your executive team is your biggest brand advocate. With their LinkedIn networks…

Wall made of rocks demonstrates the difficulty of an upsell

3 Ways to Upsell Through Effective Digital Marketing

Businesses can’t survive without selling products or services to customers. If you are like a lot of our clients, you’re also looking for opportunities to upsell. Upsell: A sales strategy where the seller will provide opportunities to purchase related products or services, often for the sole purpose of making a larger sale. There’s more to upselling than “would…