Building A Social Media Marketing Dream Team

working on a tablet to build a social marketing dream team
Building A Social Media Marketing Dream Team

A business only has one chance to make a great first impression.

A well-trained staff, professional office space, and useful websites are designed to make the best of this opportunity.

An often overlooked entryway to connect with your customers is social media. What first impression does your social media give? Does it welcome new clients to your business or assist current customers when they need service?

A Brands’ social media is no longer a silo that is managed by one person.

These platforms are practical tools that can assist your business in all areas of your sales cycle.

But only if you have a great social media team in place to support it.

Building A Social Media Marketing Dream Team

Content Creators:

The foundation of a successful social media strategy for any company is great content. Content comes in many forms. And it is unusual to find one person who is excellent at all of them.

A skilled copywriter writes compelling, engaging, and emotional messages your audience will relate to and engage with. They can provide written content ranging from brief Facebook statuses to in-depth blog posts.

Visual components are essential to an effective social media campaign. Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than those without. Consider adding creators who design eye-catching graphics, know how to frame up a photo, or produce an interesting video.

Without a strong visual component, your audience will scroll right by you.

Customer Service:

42% of people who complain on social media expect a response from the company within an hour.  The customer service role on your social media team is vital to keeping customers happy.

They need to have patience and a cool head.

And they need to be knowledgeable about your products, services, and organization.

Consider the person who tweets a technical question. Customer service’s responsibility is to be there to ensure that communication arrives at the proper department to assist them.


Don’t know if your efforts are paying off? You are not alone. A recent survey of business professionals shows that 69% are dissatisfied or only somewhat satisfied with how they measure social media success. In fact, this is one of the most common problems we hear from our clients.

Put someone on your social media team that loves numbers and excels in translating the data. Measure the results objectively and compare the findings to your outlined goals.

This analysis allows you to make decisions based on the facts, not blind guesses and page likes.


Social media does not just magically work with your business’ technology. Dedicate a spot on your team for an IT professional to handle the ins and outs of making it all work together.

Customers appreciate it when websites and social media are seamlessly connected and easy to use. Your social media team will rely on your IT department’s skills to install tracking pixels and code, develop website integrations, address safety concerns, complete compatibility testing, and any other technology needs that arise.

Technology is always changing, and adding this role allows your team to keep moving forward unaffected.

Social Media Manager:

Social Media Manager is often used to describe all of the roles in this list. However, by now, you can see this is not an accurate description.

An efficient team needs a leader to set the strategy, establish the goals and be the guide. A social media manager fills this role. They are responsible for staying up to date on trends, education, and strategy.

Your customers expect you to have a polished presence on social media. Without it, they will take their business and leave. Successfully executing this is no longer the responsibility of just one person.

Now is the time to create your social media team.