Amy has been a busy marketing professional in Huntsville for over 20 years. She has an amazingly diverse background in marketing, advertising, special events and public relations from tech manufacturing to shopping center management to non-profit arts. A talented public speaker, Amy can deliver insightful instruction while also getting giggles out of her audience. As an Account Manager with Move Digital Group, Amy loves helping clients tell their story. Naturally creative, she blends creativity and analytics to produce results. During her non-screen time, Amy likes to read fan-fiction, pretend to write her own novel, and spend quality time eating tacos.

marketing with youtube on a phone

How to Use YouTube for Marketing

Digital video has become a part of our day-to-day lives, growing in production and demand. We are using video to consume information every day, whether for business or personal use. Platforms like YouTube, with its 1 billion+ users, are becoming one of our best resources for education and entertainment. How can you harness the power of…

employees sit in social media training session

How to Train Your Employees on Social Media

78% of the U.S. population has a social networking profile. According to a recent Pew Research Center report, your employees are using social media to benefit their work experience by- The worst possible thing employers can do concerning social media is ignore the role it plays in the lives of their employees. It’s time to prioritize training. How…

sharpie writing marketing words like social media policy best practices

Social Media Policy Best Practices

The lines between personal and professional are clear as mud, as we like to say in the South. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are all places we socialize with one another… just as we would on a public sidewalk, church foyer, or our living room. With the lines so blurred, businesses should be concerned with…

man presents on giving a great presentation

Simple Advice for Giving a Great Presentation

In spite of ever-changing technology, the basic Powerpoint presentation is very much alive and well. It remains standard business practice. And is still most often delivered via projector onto a pull-down screen. Private businesses, educators, government contractors, and non-profits rely on this method of presentation to effectively deliver their message. But thanks to better training, tools, software,…

Marketing team lays out papers and images on page to evaluate if social media is working

Is My Social Media Working?

Is my social media working? That’s an important question to ask. Even more important is knowing how to arrive at the answer. Whether you manage social media internally or contract it out to an agency, there have to be measurements in place so that you know the day-to-day efforts are paying off. And that’s the key to answering…