Social Media Marketing Strategy Goals: Setting Yourself Up For Success

Successful social media strategy can feel like a lightbulb coming on.

It’s time to set goals.

For your social media marketing strategy.

It’s not hard, but it does require you to put your thinking cap on and ask the tough question: What do you want your social media to do for your business?

Once you answer this question truthfully (and “more followers” doesn’t count) you have the first steps to your social media marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing Strategy Goals: Setting Yourself Up For Success

What do we mean by goal?

  • Goal = Knowing what you want

Social media, like all marketing, should serve a purpose. What is it??

As an example, here are some actual social media goals from our some of our clients:

  • Generate New Leads
  • Increase Sales
  • Boost Brand Awareness/ Engagement
  • Drive Website Traffic
  • Improve Customer Service
  • Increase Press Mentions

If these examples don’t kick your brain into action, read this blog. We talk about using the S.M.A.R.T. method for figuring out your goals. ⤵️

How to Set Measurable Social Media Goals

Some addition goal examples might include:

Answer the tough questions, and then move forward with the rest of your strategy (this is just Step 1)!

Download our FREE “Create a Social Media Strategy in 6 Simple Steps” checklist!