This guest post is by Dwaynia Wilkerson – Prose & Pens
When you’re running a business, you think about processes, employees, customers, and turning a profit. However, there is a very critical and often neglected component to running a successful business and ultimately turning that profit. It’s communication. Or the lack thereof. Customers are bombarded with information from businesses, but little of it is relevant to their specific needs, fears, or desires. That’s why they never call and even unsubscribe to your emails.
That can be remedied though, and here’s how: you must always speak to customers, whether verbally or written, in a language that resonates with them and addresses their needs. Still not sure what’s going wrong with your communication and why it’s killing your business? Keep reading.
Why Poor Communication is Killing Your Business
Everything is all about you (or your business).
You are great. Your business is great. We get it. But your customers don’t care. They care about how you can make them great, or their lives easier, or save them time and money. Everything you say, do and think has to be about them. Otherwise, your messages won’t resonate. If the messages don’t resonate, they’ll ignore them. Customers want to be loyal to you; they really do. It’s actually easier for them. Nevertheless, if you can’t help them see the value you can add to their lives, they have no problem ditching you for some other business that will.
You don’t know your target audience or where to find them.
So here’s the tricky part. In order to have messages that resonate with your customers, you have to know who they are. Unfortunately, not everyone will need or want what you have to offer, but there are so many who do. And they are worth finding. Think about whom you’re best suited to serve; analyze their behaviors and likes and dislikes down to the most minute detail. Use that as a starting point to zone in on their favorite spots to spend time, virtually or otherwise. They could be on Facebook or Instagram, at community events, or in local networking groups.
You don’t speak their language.
Once you find them and figure out where they hang, you have to communicate in a language they understand. This means you have to speak directly to their problems or issues, using the words and phrases they’d use, and address them with simple, easily implementable solutions. Remember, it’s about them, not you.
Your messages aren’t consistent, timely, or relevant.
People are pressed for time. Attention spans are short. In order to be seen and heard and eventually called upon, you have to be consistently relevant. Being consistently relevant may look different for each business and largely depends on the target audience. Regardless of whom you are or the nature of your business, you need to show up with quality, value-packed information for your audience on a regular basis. Does that mean you need a blog that is updated biweekly? A newsletter in their inboxes every week? Social media posts two to three times per day? Only you will be able to make that determination once you’ve figured out who’s in your target audience, where they hang out, and what language they speak.
You won’t ask for help.
Learning how to better communicate with your audience and essentially saving your business is a tall order. It’s not as easy as surfing the web, looking for people who seem as if they’d like to do business with you, then striking an e-conversation. Instead, it should be thoughtful, intentional, and most importantly, strategic. Not sure how to implement a strategy within your business? There are copywriters, marketers, and social media strategists for that.
Ask for professional help.
About Dwaynia Wilkerson:
Dwaynia began her career in Huntsville as a university instructor. After eleven years in the classroom, she decided to take her role as an educator in a different direction. As the owner of Prose & Pens, a content writing and editing service for businesses and entrepreneurs, Dwaynia works to make sure that her clients’ content is in alignment with their brand and business goals. When she not working, Dwaynia enjoys visiting local restaurants, reading, or a night on the couch binge-watching movies on Lifetime.