Move Digital Launches Two Redesigned Websites

Client reviews dynamic website on laptop, phone, and tablet

Between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, we worked hard to launched redesigned websites for two new Huntsville clients. Website builds and redesigns are always exciting because we get the chance to really craft something that works for our client’s goals.

Both clients came to us with similar requests. They wanted fresh designs that highlighted their product and showed off their best work. They also wanted an SEO strategy to make it easier for customers to find their business.

After meeting with them for initial consults and learning more about their business, we set to work.

The Redesigned Website of Bostick Landscape Architects

Our first client is Bostick Landscape Architects (BLA). BLA came to us looking for a new website ahead of its 10th year anniversary. It needed a website that was able to house and highlight its wide variety of projects.

BLA hopes to move away from residential projects and focus its business primarily on industrial landscaping. We used that information to effectively develop an SEO strategy that would reach that audience.

“The new website has made it so much easier for our clients to see the depth of our design abilities and the potential value we can add to a project.”

Chad Bostick

Redesigning the Guild Builder’s Website

The second website we redesigned was for the Guild Builders. The Guild Builders had a similar request for a site that demonstrated all of their successful Huntsville home builds and renovations. In this instance, Move Digital focused on designing a site to allow its photos to be enlarged, showing visitors the detailed work that goes into their homes.

We also crafted their site with an easy-to-use contact form and a clear description of the different services they offer. With so many home builders and renovations taking place in North Alabama, targeting each service they offered within the SEO strategy was essential.

“The new website reflects our own building design style. It’s a great introduction for our clients and we couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!”

Ben Niemitz