Holiday Digital Marketing for B2B and Professional Service Brands

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? Well, maybe not if you are a small business trying to navigate the chaos that is the holiday season. It sometimes seems that this time of year primarily belongs to Business to Consumer (B2C) companies and all the big guns like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and “insert any box store here”.

But we want you to know that an effective holiday digital marketing strategy for Business to Business (B2B) companies and professional service brands can help engage your customers and encourage them to make buying decisions earlier. Move Digital Group works with our B2B and professional service clients to ensure they get the most out of the holiday season, too.

4 Tips for B2B and Professional Service Brands Holiday Digital Marketing

1. Get Social

The holidays are a great time to connect with your customers on social media. Use this opportunity to wish them a happy holiday season. Highlight your staff and company culture by showing holiday activities, community service, and other ways your team celebrates.

This is where you have fun and tell the story of who your business is. Social media channels are also the easiest way to promote your products and services and any holiday promotions to your followers. 

2. Precision is Key

B2B holiday digital marketing must focus on precision with search and social advertising as costs increase during this season. A great way to capitalize on holiday search demand is by aligning search marketing strategies with relevant holiday keywords. Adding phrases like “exclusive holiday deals” can be an effective strategy to maintain awareness and help ads stand out to your target audience but do not put that in your email marketing because it will send you straight to SPAM. 

3. Focus on Engaged Customers

In B2B sales, the customer journey during the holidays is unique. Instead of chasing new leads during this time, consider focusing on leads already in the sales cycle. We encourage our clients to focus on already engaged customers, as opposed to acquiring new leads that would cost too much during peak spending season.  

Our research shows that advertising goes up 12% during the months of November and December on social media.

4. Consider Seasonal Needs

The season can greatly impact the direction of your digital marketing strategy. For instance, for small professional service businesses, Small Business Saturday is a great opportunity to promote a special holiday promotion on specific products or services and offer discounts.

We all know the holidays are extremely crazy for consumers as we are all bombarded with content all season long. With a strong digital strategy and an understanding of your target market, B2B’s and professional service brands can greatly impact customers and their future engagement with your brand well into the new year.